Partners in Provenance

Our 2024 ESG report and roadmap to sustainable luxury

Our 2024 ESG report Partners in Provenance (which documents our ESG activities in 2023) is a declaration of our commitment to sustainability, and a testament to our belief in the power of collaboration and the importance of provenance in defining the future of luxury.

We believe that provenance is more than just a diamond’s origin; it encompasses the people, values and practices that shape its journey. For us, provenance signifies a holistic approach to sustainability. It encompasses the geographical origin of our diamonds, and the ethical practices that define our company. This comprehensive view of provenance ensures that our products not only meet the highest quality standards, but stand as a testament to our dedication to sustainability, supply chain transparency, and ethical sourcing.

Dimexon is dedicated to engaging with the global ESG community, and the watch and jewellery industry, ensuring our practices are innovative and aligned with the evolving sustainability standards. Moreover, human rights and the empowerment of women are integral components of our corporate ethos. They are foundational to our operations, guiding our interactions with all stakeholders and reflecting our progressive values.

As we move forward, we invite our stakeholders to join us on this journey, confident in our shared ability to forge a more sustainable and equitable industry. 

“At Dimexon, sustainability is not just a goal, it is our guiding principle.”


  • Recycled 1.5 tonnes of e-waste 
  • Recycled 5 tonnes of paper 
  • Treated 13.7 million litres of sewage and used water 
  • Minimised usage of single-use plastic
  • Stringent segregation tools implemented to guarantee provenance tracking 
  • Configured supply chain to deliver polished melee from De Beers-only rough, for a global jewellery brand 
  • Signed up for De Beers Pipeline Integrity programme (in addition to Forevermark) 
  • Initiated Supplier Due Diligence, as per OECD guidelines, for Tier 1 suppliers 
  • Signed up to the UN’s Women Empowerment Principles (UN-WEPs)
  • Increased focus on supporting people with disabilities through employment opportunities 
  • Joined the Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030 including participation in pilots for ESG Book and WEPs GRP tool
  • Achieved recertification with the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) until 2025
  • Complied with various stakeholder-led third-party audits conducted by SGS, UL Solutions and RSM Astute